Welcome to High Esoterica

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Tarot Spread with random cards in the background and "the lovers" card in the foreground.

Image source: Joanna Michael via Pexels

"The Fool" card's gotta be in here somewhere.

Our Journey begins much like the Fool Card in Tarot. We come here into this world to experience a journey and in no time at all we are walking and growing and learning then applying what we’ve learned to our life.

The Tarot is a great tool to tap into the knowledge and wisdom from your highest self to create the most amazing experience that you want to live.

God says we all have free choice, free will to live a life full of lessons or a life full of pleasure or most likely a mix of both. You always can change your circumstances and be guided to the life you truly want.

The most common question we all have is how to get there from here? Asking the right questions and having faith in the process is the first step.

At High Esoterica we will discuss many tools that you can use to help you create the life you want. This knowledge is shared freely and it is my honor and privilege to journey in this life with you. Together we will both learn all we want to know in this lifetime.

Wishing you many blessings and clarity on your journey.