Tarot reading

Specialists in Witchcraft & the Occult.

Get started with a personal Tarot reading, hearing a channeled message, & more.

What we do.

Tarot Readings

tarot reading session

Tarot is an esoteric ritual we find useful in providing a little clarity on some of life's haziest questions.

We offer general readings, readings on specific topics (i.e. love and relationships), as well as deeply personal readings on whatever it is you'd like some guidance on.

We'll then try our best to connect with the astral plane, as we ask the cards to provide you with answers that we hope brings meaning to you.

Channeled Messages

writing a message in a journal

While we don't practice the art of glossolalia or speaking in tongues, we do try our best to convene with what we believe are meta-physical entities that can manipulate our bodies to speak through us.

To do this, a practicioner (channeler) enters into a deep state of meditation with the intention of making contact with a given entity (such as a higher-self). We can then hold a Q&A session with the entity, once we believe contact has been established.

High Esoterica Media

camera in dramatic lighting.

The heart of High Esoterica is a drive to share the knowledge and wisdom we've gained, in praciticing these mysterious arts and rituals, with the world.

You can find educational resources, as well as generalized tarot readings ("pick a card"), available for free on our YouTube channel (@highesoterica).

In addition, we provide written content on the Blog, which we hope makes you consider subscribing to our RSS feed.

High Esoterica is a small collective of individuals dedicated to researching occultic rituals and practices, and sharing the wisdom we've gained with the world. You can find some of this work on our blog and our youtube channel.

In addition, we offer traditional psychic services (e.g. tarot readings) to the general public on a limited availability.

For our exclusive clientele, we offer expanded availability and additional psychic services (e.g. channeled messages).

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Who we are.